Title: Like Passing Notes in Secrecy Chapter: 3/13 Rating: R Character: Puck/Rachel Summary: He's never really missed a girl before. He never cared enough, really, to miss anyone. Word Count: 5,881 Disclaimer: Don't own.
Title: Like Passing Notes in Secrecy Chapter: 2/13 Rating: R Character: Puck/Rachel Summary: He's never really missed a girl before. He never cared enough, really, to miss anyone. Word Count: 2,750 Disclaimer: Don't own.
Title: Like Passing Notes in Secrecy Chapter: 1/13 Rating: R Character: Puck/Rachel Summary: He's never really missed a girl before. He never cared enough, really, to miss anyone. Word Count: 6,150 Disclaimer: Don't own.